Grass roots built (pun intended), the Green party is based on the principles of green politics, such as social justice, environmentalism and nonviolence.
Through my Community Arts Graduate Program at the Maryland Institute College of Art, I met Glenn Ross. He was a guest lecturer and tour guide for his Baltimore Toxic Tour. He had spent his previous 20 years dealing with sanitation, public health and decent housing as a community activist on the behalf of his East Baltimore neighborhood and for years was trying to shine a light on the urban environmental issues that faced his community.
Branded Social Media Campaign for GLENN ROSS
So when Mr. Ross announced his interest in running for State Delegacy under the Green Party, I volunteered to do his branding and social strategy. I created a brand standard, along with printed, digital, and DIY marketing materials for his campaign. Sadly he did not win, but the iconography permeated into the East Baltimore community and remnants of the campaign can still be seen “in the wild.”
Online Campaign
Created a social media strategy from application to voting day. Also created a campaign website that offered more information along with DIY printables downloads.
Outreach Collateral
From promotional items like business cards, buttons, stickers, to direct physical and e-mail based campaigns.
Identity Creation
Built brand from sketch to brand standard, including logo, icon use, typography, hashtags, and tagline.